Opening, Saving and Reverting games Opening a saved game: To open a saved game: • double-click a saved game icon, or • select Open Game… from the File menu, or • hold down "⌘" and type the O key, or • click the Open button on the palette, or • drag a saved game file icon to the Jigsaw icon, or • if you have the Drag and Drop extension installed or you are running System 7.5 or later, you can drag a picture icon to the Open button on the palette. After you select a saved game, Jigsaw will try to read in the saved game and the picture you originally started the game with. This may take quite a while depending on how fast your Mac is. The reasons are the same as in the "Starting a game" section. You can cancel the game by holding down command-period until it cancels or by clicking the close box (you need to hold the mouse button down until it responds). The most common reasons why a game cannot be started are: • not enough memory - this is the same as in the "Starting a game" section. • unable to open the picture - this is the same as in the "Starting a game" section. • unable to find the picture - if Jigsaw cannot find your original picture, you will not be able to open the game. This can occur when you rename, move or delete the picture. You can either pick a substitute picture or cancel. Saving a game: Note: this feature only works in the registered version of Jigsaw. If you decide to keep and use Jigsaw, please register your copy. See the Registration Information section for details on how to register this software. To save a game: • select Save Game… from the File menu, or • hold down "⌘" and type the S key, or • click the Save button on the palette. After you select a name and place for the save game, Jigsaw will try to save the game onto your disk. It does not save the actual picture but rather keeps a reference or alias to it. This is used to find the picture file when you later open the save game. If you delete or move or rename the picture, Jigsaw may not be able to open your saved game. Jigsaw also supports stationary pads: if you want to save the game so that it starts up as if it were a different game the next time, select the stationary pad option. (This is probably a most useless thing to do but I couldn’t resist putting it in - good thing I’m my own QA team! ) The most common reasons why a game cannot be saved are: • disk is write protected - remove the write protection or select another location to save onto. • disk is out of space - oops! Looks like that long delayed spring cleaning of your disk is needed! Alternatively, you can select another disk. • you have not registered - saving is a feature for registered users only. If you decide to keep and use Jigsaw, please register your copy. See the Registration Information section for details on how to register this software. Reverting a saved game: Note: you can go back to the point where you last saved your game with the Revert command. This is Jigsaw's only "undo" feature. To revert a game: • select Revert Game… from the File menu. a confirmatory dialog will appear: click Revert and Jigsaw will go back to your save point.